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    7. July 2017

    Announcement for project works & BA/MA theses

    Mobile crowd-sensing, smart city, digitalization of mobility

    These days, moving around can be highly mediated by the usage of smartphones and various
    location-based services. Further, the increasing digitalization and mobile sensing capacities have high
    potential for making cities smarter and to enable them to react more directly on its citizen’s travel
    needs. On behalf of such a smart city movement, we use mobile crowed-sensed travel data to
    enhance the understanding of individual and collective mobility behavior.

    Work setting:
    We provide students with an interesting working surrounding and the opportunity to build on
    previous work. This includes a mobile sensing app based on intel SDK and the Open.DASH framework
    (https://opendash.de/) for data visualization. The framework was originally developed to provide
    personal energy feedback but can be adapted to other contexts, like mobility. With this in mind, first
    widgets that account for individual mobility behavior have already been developed and can be used
    as examples in further work.

    Work description:
    On this basis and depending on individual interests, capabilities and workloads, there are a number
    of ways students can become involved in:
    • Developing single widgets that visualize particular issues of daily mobility;
    • designing incentives for data tracking and sensing by users or
    • doing fieldwork to explore information needs.
    • Other topics are possible and can be discussed considering personal interests.

    Target Group: Information Systems students (BA/MA Wirtschaftsinformatik, BA/MA Informatik) and
    MA Human Computer Interaction (HCI) students

    Starting point: Now open for applications

    We highly encourage students to combine their project work with their BA/MA thesis.

    In case of questions and interest, contact:
    Johanna Meurer [johanna.meurer(at)uni-siegen.de]

    * The announcement is in English due to the increasing internationalization of our study programs.