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    Dr. Marén Schorch

    Leiterin der BMBF Nachwuchsforschergruppe KONTIKAT

    Mail: maren.schorch(at)uni-siegen.de

    Raum: US-G 001

    Telefon: +49 (0) 271/ 740 – 2424

    Sprechstunde: Nach Vereinbarung

    Website: https://www.kontikat.de/team/schorch/


    • Leiterin der BMBF-Nachwuchsforschergruppe „KontiKat“ (Zivilgesellschaftliche und betriebliche Kontinuität durch sozio-technische Vernetzung in Katastrophenlagen), Universität Siegen, seit 11/2017
    • PostDoc in der BMBF-Nachwuchsforschergruppe „KontiKat“ (Zivilgesellschaftliche und betriebliche Kontinuität durch sozio-technische Vernetzung in Katastrophenlagen), Universität Siegen, seit 06/2017
    • Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im SFB 1187 „Medien der Kooperation“, Teilprojekt A05 „Kooperative Herstellung von Nutzerautonomie im Kontext der alternden Gesellschaft“, Universität Siegen, seit 08/2016
    • Leiterin und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin des EU-/BMBF Projektes „TOPIC“ (The Online Platform for Informal Caregivers), 2013-2016
    • Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Neue Medien, Fakultät III, Universität Siegen, seit 03/2013
    • Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin der Geschäftsführung am Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung (ZiF), Universität Bielefeld
    • Forschungsassistentin und Koordinatorin der Forschungsgruppe „Communicating Disaster“, Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung (ZiF), Universität Bielefeld, 2009-2012
    • Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben, Arbeitsbereich Qualitative Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung (Prof. Dr. Jörg Bergmann), Fakultät für Soziologie, Universität Bielefeld, 2008-2010
    • Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Soziologie (Prof. Dr. Alois Hahn), Fachbereich IV, Universität Trier, 2002-2008
    • Magisterstudium der Soziologie, Psychologie und Anglistik (Literaturwissenschaft) an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität zu Jena und der Universität Trier
    • Volunteer, Leonard Cheshire Disability, Cheltenham, Großbritannien


    • Qualitative Methoden der Sozialwissenschaft
    • Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
    • Qualitative Katastrophenforschung
    • Umgang mit Gesundheit und Krankheit


    • BMBF Nachwuchsforschergruppe „KontiKat“: https://www.kontikat.de (seit 06/2017)
    • SFB 1187 „Medien der Kooperation“, Teilprojekt A05: https://www.mediacoop.uni-siegen.de/en/projects/a05/ (seit 08/2016)
    • Dissertation „Selbstthematisierung und Positionierung in qualitativen Interviews“ (Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Alois Hahn, Prof. Dr. Julia Reuter; summa cum laude)
    • TOPIC – The Online Platform for Informal Caregivers(2013-2016)
    • Forschungsgruppe „Communicating Disaster“, Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung (ZiF), Universität Bielefeld, Leitung: Prof. Dr. Jörg Bergmann, Prof. Dr. Heike Egner, Prof. Dr. Volker Wulf, 2009-2012
    • „Arrangierte Ehen. Untersuchung zum Heiratsverhalten von Muslimen in Deutschland“ . Arbeitskreis Migration und Segregation Trier (qualitative Studie), 2006-2010
    • Lehrforschungsprojekt „Transnationalität: Chance oder/und Krise?“, Universität Trier (qualitative Studie), 2007-2008
    • Lehrforschungsprojekt „Sozialkapital und Berufseinstieg von Akademikern“, Universität Trier (qualitative und quantitative Studie; in Kooperation mit Karoline Krenn), 2004-2005
    • Projekt „Jugend im Stadt-Land-Vergleich“, Universität Trier (Leitung: Waldemar Vogelgesang), 1999-2000

    Lehre (Auswahl)

    Universität Siegen

    • Kontinuität und (IT-)Sicherheit im Kontext von Digitalisierungsprozessen (Master)
    • Individuelle und organisationale Konzepte von Kontinuität, (IT-)Sicherheit und Notbevorratung (Master)
    • Krisenmanagement und Kriseninformationssysteme (mit Christian Reuter und Volkmar Pipek) (Master)
    • Qualitative Datenanalyse in CSCW und HCI
    • Soziale und literarische Kommunikation von Katastrophen (mit Matthias Schaffrick)

    Universität Bielefeld

    • Gegensätze ziehen sich an?! Qualitative Interviews zu Paaren und Gegensätzen (Bachelor)
    • Qualitative Interviewpraktiken (Master, Diplom)
    • Methodenwerkstatt qualitative Methoden (Bachelor)
    • Identity revisited? – Qualitative Analyse von (auto-)biografischem Material (Master, Diplom)
    • Grundbegriffe der Soziologie (Bachelor)
    • Filmanalyse (Master)
    • „Du bist jederzeit willkommen!“ Qualitative Methoden zur Exploration von Gastfreundschaft (Master, Diplom)
    • Das Interview als Methode der qualitativen Sozialforschung (Master, Diplom)
    • Qualitative Methoden in der Migrationsforschung (Master, Diplom)

    Universität Trier

    • Ritual und Symbol. Inszenierung nationaler Identität (Bachelor)
    • Transnationalität: Chance oder/und Krise? (Praxisbezogene Studienform)
    • Klassiker der Soziologie: Norbert Elias und Michel Foucault (Proseminar)
    • Das Eigene und das Fremde in der Soziologie (Proseminar)
    • Identitäts- und Interkulturalitätstheorien (Proseminar)
    • Max Webers Beiträge zur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte (Proseminar)
    • Ausgrenzungsprozesse (mit Alois Hahn) (Hauptseminar)
    • Geheimnis und Geheimhaltung (mit Alois Hahn) (Proseminar)
    • Minderheiten (Proseminar)
    • Sozialkapital und Berufseinstieg von Akademikern (mit Karoline Krenn) (Praxisbezogene Studienform)
    • Sociology of Health (Teaching Staff Mobility, University of Galway, Ireland)
    • Konzepte (trans-)nationaler Zugehörigkeit (Proseminar)
    • Die Soziologie Theodor W. Adornos (mit Alois Hahn) (Hauptseminar)
    • Klassiker der Soziologie: Max Weber Proseminar (Proseminar)
    • Klassiker der Soziologie: Georg Simmel (mit Alois Hahn) (Proseminar)
    • Norbert Elias’ Zivilisationstheorie (Proseminar)
    • Einstellungen zum Tod und ihre soziale Bedingtheit (mit Alois Hahn) (Hauptseminar)
    • Identitätstheorien (Proseminar)



    • Taugerbeck, S., Ahmadi, M., Schorch, M., Bohn, N. & Wulf, V. (2023)Navigating the Challenges of Remote Research in Times of Crisis and Beyond

      [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]

      Crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic put heavy restrictions on researchers who mainly follow a qualitative, ethnographic stance that typically relies on immersion in the setting, bringing remote research into the spotlight. In this paper, we describe how we, as qualitative researchers, responded to the crisis by comparing our experiences in conducting remote interviews in two German contexts: 1) with employees from a video game company during the summer of 2020 and 2) with several political and non-political actors in a rural region during autumn 2020 to summer 2021. Drawing on these …

      title = {Navigating the {Challenges} of {Remote} {Research} in {Times} of {Crisis} and {Beyond}},
      url = {https://dl.eusset.eu/handle/20.500.12015/5007},
      abstract = {Crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic put heavy restrictions on researchers who mainly follow a qualitative, ethnographic stance that typically relies on immersion in the setting, bringing remote research into the spotlight. In this paper, we describe how we, as qualitative researchers, responded to the crisis by comparing our experiences in conducting remote interviews in two German contexts: 1) with employees from a video game company during the summer of 2020 and 2) with several political and non-political actors in a rural region during autumn 2020 to summer 2021. Drawing on these ...},
      language = {en},
      urldate = {2023-10-05},
      author = {Taugerbeck, Sebastian and Ahmadi, Michael and Schorch, Marén and Bohn, Nino and Wulf, Volker},
      year = {2023},
      note = {Publisher: European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET)},


    • Schorch, M. (2022)Abschlussbericht der BMBF-Nachwuchsforschergruppe KontiKat

      [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]

      Der Schlussbericht enthält 1) eine Kurzdarstellung zum Vorhaben KontiKat (Aufgabenstellung, Vorarbeiten, Planung und Ablauf mit einer Übersicht zu allen Gruppenmitgliedern und den Arbeitspaketen, dem wissenschaftlichen und technischen Stand, an den angeknüpft wurde sowie die Kooperationen) sowie 2) eine eingehende Darstellung aller Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten sowie Aktivitäten zur Öffentlichkeitsarbeit: durchgeführte empirische Studien (mehrere quantitative, repräsentative Erhebungen und qualitative Studien), unsere praxisbasierten und nutzerzentrierten vier technischen IT-Entwicklungen und Informationen zu Leistungen des Ausbildungs- und Weiterbildungskonzeptes der Gruppenmitglieder im Rahmen der Qualifizierung im Bereich der zivilen Sicherheitsforschung. Wir schließen mit Erläuterungen zur Notwendigkeit und Angemessenheit der Arbeiten, einem Verwertungsplan, Bezügen zu anderen Arbeiten und einer Liste aller 130 Publikationen unserer Nachwuchsforschergruppe. Der Bericht fasst die umfangreichen Arbeiten der Gruppe Kontikat zur Analyse gesellschaftlicher und betrieblicher Vulnerabilität und die in der Gruppe erarbeiteten Maßnahmen, Studien und konkreten IT-Entwicklungen zur Förderung zivilgesellschaftlicher und betrieblicher Kontinuität mithilfe kooperativer Technologien in Krisen- bzw. Katastrophenlagen zusammen. Hiermit soll ein Beitrag zur Stärkung der Resilienz und Prävention als Notvorsorge von Bevölkerung und kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) in Deutschland geleistet werden.

      title = {Abschlussbericht der {BMBF}-{Nachwuchsforschergruppe} {KontiKat}},
      copyright = {Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International},
      url = {https://dspace.ub.uni-siegen.de/handle/ubsi/2298},
      doi = {10.25819/ubsi/10209},
      abstract = {Der Schlussbericht enthält 1) eine Kurzdarstellung zum Vorhaben KontiKat (Aufgabenstellung, Vorarbeiten, Planung und Ablauf mit einer Übersicht zu allen Gruppenmitgliedern und den Arbeitspaketen, dem wissenschaftlichen und technischen Stand, an den angeknüpft wurde sowie die Kooperationen) sowie 2) eine eingehende Darstellung aller Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten sowie Aktivitäten zur Öffentlichkeitsarbeit: durchgeführte empirische Studien (mehrere quantitative, repräsentative Erhebungen und qualitative Studien), unsere praxisbasierten und nutzerzentrierten vier technischen IT-Entwicklungen und Informationen zu Leistungen des Ausbildungs- und Weiterbildungskonzeptes der Gruppenmitglieder im Rahmen der Qualifizierung im Bereich der zivilen Sicherheitsforschung. Wir schließen mit Erläuterungen zur Notwendigkeit und Angemessenheit der Arbeiten, einem Verwertungsplan, Bezügen zu anderen Arbeiten und einer Liste aller 130 Publikationen unserer Nachwuchsforschergruppe. Der Bericht fasst die umfangreichen Arbeiten der Gruppe Kontikat zur Analyse gesellschaftlicher und betrieblicher Vulnerabilität und die in der Gruppe erarbeiteten Maßnahmen, Studien und konkreten IT-Entwicklungen zur Förderung zivilgesellschaftlicher und betrieblicher Kontinuität mithilfe kooperativer Technologien in Krisen- bzw. Katastrophenlagen zusammen. Hiermit soll ein Beitrag zur Stärkung der Resilienz und Prävention als Notvorsorge von Bevölkerung und kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) in Deutschland geleistet werden.},
      language = {de},
      urldate = {2022-11-15},
      author = {Schorch, Marén},
      year = {2022},
      note = {Accepted: 2022-11-11T09:38:29Z},

    • Syed, H. A., Schorch, M., Pinatti de Carvalho, A. F., Rutz, P. & Pipek, V. (2022)Blending Practices to Facilitate Grounded Design Research: A Praxeological Research Perspective

      [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]

      In this paper, we reflect on the experiences from two Grounded Design (GD) research projects conducted by a multidisciplinary group of researchers between 2019 – 2021 and highlight the methodological foundations and related obstacles for iterative designing. Both projects investigate the phenomena of knowledge sharing and crisis-related learning in business organizations under the GD paradigm, which has been increasingly adopted within the Computer- supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) community. During these projects, the researchers with backgrounds in computer science, business informatics, software engineering, and sociology experienced the need for systematization to transition between the stages of GD. Looking back, we realize that our teams arrived at this systematization by blending the prior knowledge from team members’ original educational backgrounds. While blending practices most likely happens intuitively in interdisciplinary projects, as is often the case of the user-centered design initiatives seen in CSCW and Human-Computer Interaction, little can be found on how this usually happens and its implications. In this paper, we respond to this literature gap by discussing how this blending can facilitate the realization of GD projects and lead to a praxeological information science research perspective, which has ‘methods appropriation’ as key to systematizing abstraction, broader traceability, and flexibility of research methods.

      title = {Blending {Practices} to {Facilitate} {Grounded} {Design} {Research}: {A} {Praxeological} {Research} {Perspective}},
      issn = {2510-2591},
      shorttitle = {Blending {Practices} to {Facilitate} {Grounded} {Design} {Research}},
      url = {https://dl.eusset.eu/handle/20.500.12015/4345},
      doi = {10.48340/ecscw2022_n04},
      abstract = {In this paper, we reflect on the experiences from two Grounded Design (GD) research projects conducted by a multidisciplinary group of researchers between 2019 – 2021 and highlight the methodological foundations and related obstacles for iterative designing. Both projects investigate the phenomena of knowledge sharing and crisis-related learning in business organizations under the GD paradigm, which has been increasingly adopted within the Computer- supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) community. During these projects, the researchers with backgrounds in computer science, business informatics, software engineering, and sociology experienced the need for systematization to transition between the stages of GD. Looking back, we realize that our teams arrived at this systematization by blending the prior knowledge from team members’ original educational backgrounds. While blending practices most likely happens intuitively in interdisciplinary projects, as is often the case of the user-centered design initiatives seen in CSCW and Human-Computer Interaction, little can be found on how this usually happens and its implications. In this paper, we respond to this literature gap by discussing how this blending can facilitate the realization of GD projects and lead to a praxeological information science research perspective, which has ‘methods appropriation’ as key to systematizing abstraction, broader traceability, and flexibility of research methods.},
      language = {en},
      urldate = {2022-06-20},
      author = {Syed, Hussain Abid and Schorch, Marén and Pinatti de Carvalho, Aparecido Fabiano and Rutz, Philipp and Pipek, Volkmar},
      year = {2022},
      note = {Accepted: 2022-06-14T07:23:54Z
      Publisher: European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET)},


    • Syed, H. A., Schorch, M., Ankenbauer, S. A., Hassan, S., Meisner, K., Stein, M., Skudelny, S., Karasti, H. & Pipek, V. (2021)Infrastructuring for organizational resilience: Experiences and perspectives for business continuity

      [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]

      This workshop discusses organizational resilience and resilient infrastructures by uniting researchers, professionals, and experts from various disciplines. Workplace studies and organizational settings have always been an integral theme in computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) research. This workshop hopes to broaden this research horizon by overlapping the multidisciplinary perspectives of resilience and crisis research with human-computer interaction (HCI), CSCW, organizational, and business studies. The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent physical and social constraints have been detrimental to the activities of different organizations, especially to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). SMEs must recognize and search for opportunities to adapt to this crisis by developing resilient organizational infrastructures. These adaptations can be crucial to overcoming the current disruptions challenging the continued existence keeping in view the intrinsic diversification of various business and industrial sectors. How organizational infrastructures can be designed to instill resilient properties like adaptive capacity, self-adjustment and continuity? We intend to focus on bringing this discussion under the umbrella of CSCW to explore the potentials of collaboration and cooperative work in organizational infrastructure. Through this workshop, we offer research prospects by applying organizational resilience theories to study organizational infrastructure and infrastructuring activities, which can be used for their prospective transformations into resilient infrastructures.

      title = {Infrastructuring for organizational resilience: {Experiences} and perspectives for business continuity},
      issn = {2510-2591},
      shorttitle = {Infrastructuring for organizational resilience},
      url = {https://dl.eusset.eu/handle/20.500.12015/4133},
      doi = {10.18420/ecscw2021_wsmc02},
      abstract = {This workshop discusses organizational resilience and resilient infrastructures by uniting researchers, professionals, and experts from various disciplines. Workplace studies and organizational settings have always been an integral theme in computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) research. This workshop hopes to broaden this research horizon by overlapping the multidisciplinary perspectives of resilience and crisis research with human-computer interaction (HCI), CSCW, organizational, and business studies. The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent physical and social constraints have been detrimental to the activities of different organizations, especially to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). SMEs must recognize and search for opportunities to adapt to this crisis by developing resilient organizational infrastructures. These adaptations can be crucial to overcoming the current disruptions challenging the continued existence keeping in view the intrinsic diversification of various business and industrial sectors. How organizational infrastructures can be designed to instill resilient properties like adaptive capacity, self-adjustment and continuity? We intend to focus on bringing this discussion under the umbrella of CSCW to explore the potentials of collaboration and cooperative work in organizational infrastructure. Through this workshop, we offer research prospects by applying organizational resilience theories to study organizational infrastructure and infrastructuring activities, which can be used for their prospective transformations into resilient infrastructures.},
      language = {en},
      urldate = {2021-04-15},
      author = {Syed, Hussain Abid and Schorch, Marén and Ankenbauer, Sam Addison and Hassan, Sohaib and Meisner, Konrad and Stein, Martin and Skudelny, Sascha and Karasti, Helena and Pipek, Volkmar},
      year = {2021},
      annote = {Accepted: 2021-03-18T22:35:23Z Publisher: European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET)},

    • Syed, H. A. & Schorch, M. (2021)Infrastructuring for organizational resilience: A Workshop Report

      IN Pipek, V. & Rohde, M. (Eds.), Infrastructuring for Organizational Resilience: A workshop report Bonn, Germany
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      address = {Bonn, Germany},
      series = {International reports on socio-informatics},
      title = {Infrastructuring for organizational resilience: {A} {Workshop} {Report}},
      volume = {1},
      isbn = {1861-4280},
      url = {https://www.iisi.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/IRSIV18I1.pdf#page=4},
      language = {en},
      number = {18},
      urldate = {2022-03-01},
      booktitle = {Infrastructuring for {Organizational} {Resilience}: {A} workshop report},
      publisher = {IISI - International Institute for Socio-Informatics},
      author = {Syed, Hussain Abid and Schorch, Marén},
      editor = {Pipek, Volkmar and Rohde, Markus},
      year = {2021},
      pages = {4--14},

    • Syed, H. A., Schorch, M., Ankenbauer, S. A., Hassan, S., Meisner, K., Stein, M., Skudelny, S., Karasti, H. & Pipek, V. (2021)Infrastructuring for organizational resilience: Experiences and perspectives for business continuity

      [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]

      This workshop discusses organizational resilience and resilient infrastructures by uniting researchers, professionals, and experts from various disciplines. Workplace studies and organizational settings have always been an integral theme in computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) research. This workshop hopes to broaden this research horizon by overlapping the multidisciplinary perspectives of resilience and crisis research with human-computer interaction (HCI), CSCW, organizational, and business studies. The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent physical and social constraints have been detrimental to the activities of different organizations, especially to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). SMEs must recognize and search for opportunities to adapt to this crisis by developing resilient organizational infrastructures. These adaptations can be crucial to overcoming the current disruptions challenging the continued existence keeping in view the intrinsic diversification of various business and industrial sectors. How organizational infrastructures can be designed to instill resilient properties like adaptive capacity, self-adjustment and continuity? We intend to focus on bringing this discussion under the umbrella of CSCW to explore the potentials of collaboration and cooperative work in organizational infrastructure. Through this workshop, we offer research prospects by applying organizational resilience theories to study organizational infrastructure and infrastructuring activities, which can be used for their prospective transformations into resilient infrastructures.

      title = {Infrastructuring for organizational resilience: {Experiences} and perspectives for business continuity},
      issn = {2510-2591},
      shorttitle = {Infrastructuring for organizational resilience},
      url = {https://dl.eusset.eu/handle/20.500.12015/4133},
      doi = {10.18420/ecscw2021_wsmc02},
      abstract = {This workshop discusses organizational resilience and resilient infrastructures by uniting researchers, professionals, and experts from various disciplines. Workplace studies and organizational settings have always been an integral theme in computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) research. This workshop hopes to broaden this research horizon by overlapping the multidisciplinary perspectives of resilience and crisis research with human-computer interaction (HCI), CSCW, organizational, and business studies. The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent physical and social constraints have been detrimental to the activities of different organizations, especially to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). SMEs must recognize and search for opportunities to adapt to this crisis by developing resilient organizational infrastructures. These adaptations can be crucial to overcoming the current disruptions challenging the continued existence keeping in view the intrinsic diversification of various business and industrial sectors. How organizational infrastructures can be designed to instill resilient properties like adaptive capacity, self-adjustment and continuity? We intend to focus on bringing this discussion under the umbrella of CSCW to explore the potentials of collaboration and cooperative work in organizational infrastructure. Through this workshop, we offer research prospects by applying organizational resilience theories to study organizational infrastructure and infrastructuring activities, which can be used for their prospective transformations into resilient infrastructures.},
      language = {en},
      urldate = {2021-12-17},
      author = {Syed, Hussain Abid and Schorch, Marén and Ankenbauer, Sam Addison and Hassan, Sohaib and Meisner, Konrad and Stein, Martin and Skudelny, Sascha and Karasti, Helena and Pipek, Volkmar},
      year = {2021},


    • Syed, H. A., Schorch, M., Hassan, S. S., Skudelny, S., Grinko, M. & Pipek, V. (2020)From technology adoption to organizational resilience: A current research perspective

      IN Radtke, Jörg (Hrsg.) ; Klesel, Michael (Hrsg.) ; Niehaves, Björn (Hrsg.): New perspectives on digitalization: Local issues and global impact. Siegen: Universitätsbibliothek Siegen, 2020. – DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.25819/ubsi/1894, S. 84 – 92 doi:10.25819/ubsi/2778
      [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]

      Digitalization is an ever-increasing phenomenon and is being focused in all prominent research communities around the world. When it comes to businesses, the concept of digitalization can have its far-reaching impacts due to the diverseness of business and distinctiveness of their capabilities. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are of dire importance in this research arena, due to their immense share in global economy and organizational characteristics. The concept of digitalization needs special attention for these business specimens. Technology adoption models need to be built which can transcend the utility of digitalization and digital technologies in SMEs. We propose a hypothetical technology adoption model for increasing the digital maturity in small and medium business organizations and further proposing that matured digitalization will lead to centralized business continuity infrastructure which can boost the organizational resilience.

      title = {From technology adoption to organizational resilience: {A} current research perspective},
      copyright = {Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International},
      shorttitle = {From technology adoption to organizational resilience},
      url = {https://dspace.ub.uni-siegen.de/handle/ubsi/1633},
      doi = {10.25819/ubsi/2778},
      abstract = {Digitalization is an ever-increasing phenomenon and is being focused in all prominent research communities around the world. When it comes to businesses, the concept of digitalization can have its far-reaching impacts due to the diverseness of business and distinctiveness of their capabilities. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are of dire importance in this research arena, due to their immense share in global economy and organizational characteristics. The concept of digitalization needs special attention for these business specimens. Technology adoption models need to be built which can transcend the utility of digitalization and digital technologies in SMEs. We propose a hypothetical technology adoption model for increasing the digital maturity in small and medium business organizations and further proposing that matured digitalization will lead to centralized business continuity infrastructure which can boost the organizational resilience.},
      language = {en},
      urldate = {2021-04-15},
      journal = {Radtke, Jörg (Hrsg.) ; Klesel, Michael (Hrsg.) ; Niehaves, Björn (Hrsg.): New perspectives on digitalization: Local issues and global impact. Siegen: Universitätsbibliothek Siegen, 2020. - DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.25819/ubsi/1894, S. 84 - 92},
      author = {Syed, Hussain Abid and Schorch, Marén and Hassan, Sohaib S. and Skudelny, Sascha and Grinko, Margarita and Pipek, Volkmar},
      year = {2020},
      annote = {Accepted: 2020-11-06T11:48:13Z},

    • Li, Q., Tolmie, P., Weibert, A., Schorch, M., Müller, C. & Wulf, V. (2020)E-Portfolio: value tensions encountered in documenting design case studies

      IN Ethics and Information Technology, Pages: 5
      [BibTeX] [Abstract]

      We present here the “e-Portfolio” concept, which aims to provide access to documented design case studies of design researchers’ practices. Our e-Portfolio has its origins in Grounded Design. We examine here how the e-Portfolio concept grew out of Grounded Design, the way it instantiates values, and how it contributes to our understanding of the ways in which shifting values in practice can have an impact beyond the individual.

      title = {E-{Portfolio}: value tensions encountered in documenting design case studies},
      abstract = {We present here the “e-Portfolio” concept, which aims to provide access to documented design case studies of design researchers’ practices. Our e-Portfolio has its origins in Grounded Design. We examine here how the e-Portfolio concept grew out of Grounded Design, the way it instantiates values, and how it contributes to our understanding of the ways in which shifting values in practice can have an impact beyond the individual.},
      language = {en},
      journal = {Ethics and Information Technology},
      author = {Li, Qinyu and Tolmie, Peter and Weibert, Anne and Schorch, Marén and Müller, Claudia and Wulf, Volker},
      year = {2020},
      keywords = {italg},
      pages = {5},

    • Schorch, M., Seifert, F., Syed, H. A., Kotthaus, C. & Pipek, V. (2020)Doing CSCW research in small and medium enterprises: experiences, options and challenges

      [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]

      This ECSCW workshop draws attention to research and development projects (R&D) that deal with cooperative and collaborative practices in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). European companies are for the most part SMEs: nine out of every ten companies can be defined as an SME (Eurostat 2015). They cover a huge variety of branches and fields, including diverse examples such as manufacturing, construction or IT start-ups, and meanwhile, there is again a growing sphere of CSCW projects that recognize the importance of this field. The empirical methods applied in such SME centered projects include qualitative methods with participant observation, interviewing or conducting co-design workshops, but also quantitative methods like the use of questionnaires or eye-tracking systems. In the workshop, we open up for sharing and reflecting experiences of doing research in SMEs and for discussing the characteristics and challenges of this (old and new) field in CSCW.

      title = {Doing {CSCW} research in small and medium enterprises: experiences, options and challenges},
      issn = {2510-2591},
      shorttitle = {Doing {CSCW} research in small and medium enterprises},
      url = {https://dl.eusset.eu/handle/20.500.12015/4060},
      doi = {10.18420/ecscw2020_ws02},
      abstract = {This ECSCW workshop draws attention to research and development projects (R\&D) that deal with cooperative and collaborative practices in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). European companies are for the most part SMEs: nine out of every ten companies can be defined as an SME (Eurostat 2015). They cover a huge variety of branches and fields, including diverse examples such as manufacturing, construction or IT start-ups, and meanwhile, there is again a growing sphere of CSCW projects that recognize the importance of this field. The empirical methods applied in such SME centered projects include qualitative methods with participant observation, interviewing or conducting co-design workshops, but also quantitative methods like the use of questionnaires or eye-tracking systems. In the workshop, we open up for sharing and reflecting experiences of doing research in SMEs and for discussing the characteristics and challenges of this (old and new) field in CSCW.},
      language = {en},
      urldate = {2021-12-17},
      author = {Schorch, Marén and Seifert, Fabienne and Syed, Hussain Abid and Kotthaus, Christoph and Pipek, Volkmar},
      year = {2020},

    • Syed, H. A., Schorch, M. & Pipek, V. (2020)Disaster Learning Aid: A Chatbot Centric Approach for Improved Organizational Disaster Resilience

      IN Learning from Experience, Pages: 10
      [BibTeX] [Abstract]

      The increasingly frequent occurrence of organizational crises exemplifies the need to strengthen organizational resilience. An example of business organizations is small and medium enterprises (SMEs) which contribute largely to the economic growth. But often, their limited resources (manpower, time, financial capital), organizational structure, focus on operational routines and less priority towards disaster resilience make them more vulnerable to crisis than bigger companies. The proposed solution addresses this dilemma by establishing a collaborative medium within the organization to improve disaster resilience by raising awareness and self-learning in employees without overburdening their constrained routines and resources. Our work in progress demonstrates a conceptual model of a learning aid (collaboration channel and a chatbot) that supports the pedagogical methodologies and employs them for enhancing learnability and awareness and elaborates the usability of interactive learning instilling disaster resilience in employees and hence in an organization.

      title = {Disaster {Learning} {Aid}: {A} {Chatbot} {Centric} {Approach} for {Improved} {Organizational} {Disaster} {Resilience}},
      abstract = {The increasingly frequent occurrence of organizational crises exemplifies the need to strengthen organizational resilience. An example of business organizations is small and medium enterprises (SMEs) which contribute largely to the economic growth. But often, their limited resources (manpower, time, financial capital), organizational structure, focus on operational routines and less priority towards disaster resilience make them more vulnerable to crisis than bigger companies. The proposed solution addresses this dilemma by establishing a collaborative medium within the organization to improve disaster resilience by raising awareness and self-learning in employees without overburdening their constrained routines and resources. Our work in progress demonstrates a conceptual model of a learning aid (collaboration channel and a chatbot) that supports the pedagogical methodologies and employs them for enhancing learnability and awareness and elaborates the usability of interactive learning instilling disaster resilience in employees and hence in an organization.},
      language = {en},
      journal = {Learning from Experience},
      author = {Syed, Hussain Abid and Schorch, Marén and Pipek, Volkmar},
      year = {2020},
      pages = {10},

    • Schorch, M., Seifert, F., Syed, H. A., Kotthaus, C. & Pipek, V. (2020)Doing CSCW research in small and medium enterprises: experiences, options and challenges

      [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]

      This ECSCW workshop draws attention to research and development projects (R&D) that deal with cooperative and collaborative practices in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). European companies are for the most part SMEs: nine out of every ten companies can be defined as an SME (Eurostat 2015). They cover a huge variety of branches and fields, including diverse examples such as manufacturing, construction or IT start-ups, and meanwhile, there is again a growing sphere of CSCW projects that recognize the importance of this field. The empirical methods applied in such SME centered projects include qualitative methods with participant observation, interviewing or conducting co-design workshops, but also quantitative methods like the use of questionnaires or eye-tracking systems. In the workshop, we open up for sharing and reflecting experiences of doing research in SMEs and for discussing the characteristics and challenges of this (old and new) field in CSCW.

      title = {Doing {CSCW} research in small and medium enterprises: experiences, options and challenges},
      issn = {2510-2591},
      shorttitle = {Doing {CSCW} research in small and medium enterprises},
      url = {https://dl.eusset.eu/handle/20.500.12015/4060},
      doi = {10.18420/ecscw2020_ws02},
      abstract = {This ECSCW workshop draws attention to research and development projects (R\&D) that deal with cooperative and collaborative practices in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). European companies are for the most part SMEs: nine out of every ten companies can be defined as an SME (Eurostat 2015). They cover a huge variety of branches and fields, including diverse examples such as manufacturing, construction or IT start-ups, and meanwhile, there is again a growing sphere of CSCW projects that recognize the importance of this field. The empirical methods applied in such SME centered projects include qualitative methods with participant observation, interviewing or conducting co-design workshops, but also quantitative methods like the use of questionnaires or eye-tracking systems. In the workshop, we open up for sharing and reflecting experiences of doing research in SMEs and for discussing the characteristics and challenges of this (old and new) field in CSCW.},
      language = {en},
      urldate = {2021-04-16},
      author = {Schorch, Marén and Seifert, Fabienne and Syed, Hussain Abid and Kotthaus, Christoph and Pipek, Volkmar},
      year = {2020},
      note = {Accepted: 2020-06-15T07:28:12Z
      Publisher: European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET)},


    • Taugerbeck, S., Ahmadi, M., Schorch, M., Unbehaun, D., Aal, K. & Wulf, V. (2019)Digital Participation in Prison – A Public Discourse Analysis of the Use of ICT by Inmates

      IN Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 3, Pages: 233:1–233:26 doi:10.1145/3361114
      [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]

      Digital participation has become an important issue in modern societies, typically focusing on groups prone to marginalization. From this perspective, less attention has yet been paid to imprisoned persons. Many penitentiary systems are formally characterized by the basic requirement of resocialization. Accordingly, life in prison should be largely adapted to conditions outside and to fundamental social changes, which must be considered in designing the framework for prison systems. Still, the digital opening of the prison is debated controversially, not least due to anticipated security issues. Hence, to raise awareness about challenges for digital participation of prisoners, we conducted a knowledge-sociological analysis (SKAD) of the public discourse on the use of ICT by prison inmates in Germany. We thereby seek to advance knowledge and insights from social and organizational practice arising from the use of ICT in context of total institutions and create the basis for action from a socio-informatics perspective.

      title = {Digital {Participation} in {Prison} - {A} {Public} {Discourse} {Analysis} of the {Use} of {ICT} by {Inmates}},
      volume = {3},
      url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3361114},
      doi = {10.1145/3361114},
      abstract = {Digital participation has become an important issue in modern societies, typically focusing on groups prone to marginalization. From this perspective, less attention has yet been paid to imprisoned persons. Many penitentiary systems are formally characterized by the basic requirement of resocialization. Accordingly, life in prison should be largely adapted to conditions outside and to fundamental social changes, which must be considered in designing the framework for prison systems. Still, the digital opening of the prison is debated controversially, not least due to anticipated security issues. Hence, to raise awareness about challenges for digital participation of prisoners, we conducted a knowledge-sociological analysis (SKAD) of the public discourse on the use of ICT by prison inmates in Germany. We thereby seek to advance knowledge and insights from social and organizational practice arising from the use of ICT in context of total institutions and create the basis for action from a socio-informatics perspective.},
      number = {GROUP},
      urldate = {2021-04-16},
      journal = {Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction},
      author = {Taugerbeck, Sebastian and Ahmadi, Michael and Schorch, Marén and Unbehaun, David and Aal, Konstantin and Wulf, Volker},
      month = dec,
      year = {2019},
      keywords = {digital participation, prisoners, critical hci, discourse analysis, hci for development, qualitative methods},
      pages = {233:1--233:26},

    • Aal, K., Schorch, M., Elkilani, E. B. H. & Wulf, V. (2019)Facebook and the Mass Media in Tunisia

      IN Media in Action, Pages: 135–168
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      title = {Facebook and the {Mass} {Media} in {Tunisia}},
      copyright = {Copyright (c)},
      url = {https://www001.zimt.uni-siegen.de/ojs/index.php/mia/article/view/36},
      language = {en},
      number = {1},
      urldate = {2021-04-16},
      journal = {Media in Action},
      author = {Aal, Konstantin and Schorch, Marén and Elkilani, Esma Ben Hadj and Wulf, Volker},
      month = may,
      year = {2019},
      note = {Number: 1},
      pages = {135--168},

    • Kaufhold, M., Grinko, M., Reuter, C., Schorch, M., Langer, A., Skudelny, S. & Hollick, M. (2019)Potentiale von IKT beim Ausfall kritischer Infrastrukturen: Erwartungen, Informationsgewinnung und Mediennutzung der Zivilbevölkerung in Deutschland

      Proceedings of the International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik. Siegen, Germany, Publisher: AIS

      address = {Siegen, Germany},
      title = {Potentiale von {IKT} beim {Ausfall} kritischer {Infrastrukturen}: {Erwartungen}, {Informationsgewinnung} und {Mediennutzung} der {Zivilbevölkerung} in {Deutschland}},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the {International} {Conference} on {Wirtschaftsinformatik}},
      publisher = {AIS},
      author = {Kaufhold, Marc-André and Grinko, Margarita and Reuter, Christian and Schorch, Marén and Langer, Amanda and Skudelny, Sascha and Hollick, Matthias},
      year = {2019},
      keywords = {HCI, KontiKat, HyServ, Infrastruktur, RSF, MAKI},


    • Hensely-Schinkinger, S., Schorch, M. & Tellio${textbackslash}textbackslashbackslash$uglu, H. (2018)Using Cultural Probes in the Sensitive Research Setting of Informal Caregiving. A Case Study

      IN i-com, Vol. 17, Pages: 103–117

      title = {Using {Cultural} {Probes} in the {Sensitive} {Research} {Setting} of {Informal} {Caregiving}. {A} {Case} {Study}},
      volume = {17},
      number = {2},
      journal = {i-com},
      author = {Hensely-Schinkinger, Susanne and Schorch, Marén and Tellio\${\textbackslash}textbackslashbackslash\$uglu, Hilda},
      year = {2018},
      pages = {103--117},
      annote = {Publisher: De Gruyter Oldenbourg},


    • Giessmann, S., Gerlitz, C., Bender, H., Müller, C., Schorch, M., Baringhorst, S. & Reissmann, W. (2017)SFB-Workshop “Digital Platforms and Boundary Infrastructures”

      , Siegen

      address = {Siegen},
      title = {{SFB}-{Workshop} “{Digital} {Platforms} and {Boundary} {Infrastructures}”},
      author = {Giessmann, S. and Gerlitz, C. and Bender, H. and Müller, Claudia and Schorch, Marén and Baringhorst, S. and Reissmann, W.},
      year = {2017},
      keywords = {italg, presentation},

    • Stickel, O., Aal, K., Schorch, M., Pipek, V., Hornung, D., Boden, A. & Wulf, V. (2017)Computerclubs und Flüchtlingslager – Ein Diskussionsbeitrag zur Forschungs- und Bildungsarbeit aus praxistheoretischer Perspektive

      Tagungsband Do it! Yourself? Fragen zu (Forschungs-)Praktiken des Selbermachens. Wien doi:https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839433508
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      address = {Wien},
      title = {Computerclubs und {Flüchtlingslager} - {Ein} {Diskussionsbeitrag} zur {Forschungs}- und {Bildungsarbeit} aus praxistheoretischer {Perspektive}},
      url = {https://www.degruyter.com/view/books/9783839433508/9783839433508-008/9783839433508-008.xml},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839433508},
      booktitle = {Tagungsband {Do} it! {Yourself}? {Fragen} zu ({Forschungs}-){Praktiken} des {Selbermachens}},
      author = {Stickel, Oliver and Aal, Konstantin and Schorch, Marén and Pipek, Volkmar and Hornung, Dominik and Boden, Alexander and Wulf, Volker},
      year = {2017},
      keywords = {CSCW, FabLab},

    • Struzek, D., Neumann, M., Müller, C., Schorch, M. & Hornung, D. (2017)Aneignungshilfen für Senioren-Projektpartner – am Beispiel Google Drive

      IN Burghardt, M., Wimmer, R., Wolff, C. & and Womser-Hacker, C. (Eds.), Mensch und Computer 2017 Regensburg doi:10.18420/muc2017-mci-0349
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      address = {Regensburg},
      edition = {Tagungsban},
      title = {Aneignungshilfen für {Senioren}-{Projektpartner} – am {Beispiel} {Google} {Drive}},
      url = {http://www.wineme.uni-siegen.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Aneignungshilfen-für-Senioren-Projektpartner-–-am-Beispiel-Google-Drive.pdf},
      booktitle = {Mensch und {Computer} 2017},
      publisher = {(Hrsg.) Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.},
      author = {Struzek, David and Neumann, Marleen and Müller, Claudia and Schorch, Marén and Hornung, Dominik},
      editor = {Burghardt, M. and Wimmer, R. and Wolff, C. \& and Womser-Hacker, C.},
      year = {2017},
      doi = {10.18420/muc2017-mci-0349},
      keywords = {italg, Aneignungshilfen, Claudia Mueller, Google Frive, Senioren},
      pages = {249 -- 253},

    • Schorch, M., Müller, C. & Meurer, J. (2017)Cultural Probes: The best way to go for PD in sensitive research settings? A methodological reflexion

      IN Mensch und Computer 2017 doi:10.18420/muc2017-ws02-0304
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      title = {Cultural {Probes}: {The} best way to go for {PD} in sensitive research settings? {A} methodological reflexion},
      url = {http://www.wineme.uni-siegen.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Cultural-Probes-The-best-way-to-go-for-PD-in-sensitive-research-settings-A-methodological-reflexion.pdf},
      booktitle = {Mensch und {Computer} 2017},
      publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.},
      author = {Schorch, Marén and Müller, Claudia and Meurer, Johanna},
      year = {2017},
      doi = {10.18420/muc2017-ws02-0304},
      keywords = {italg},
      pages = {73--78},

    • Reuter, C., Gerwinski, J., Kaufhold, M., Moog, P., Pipek, V., Rusch, G., Schorch, M., Hassan, S. S., Soost, C., Wulf, V., Gerwinski, J., Soost, C., Hassan, S. S., Rusch, G., Moog, P., Pipek, V. & Wulf, V. (2017)Digitalisierung und Zivile Sicherheit: Zivilgesellschaftliche und betriebliche Kontinuität in Katastrophenlagen (KontiKat)

      IN Hoch, G., Schröteler von Brandt, H., Stein, V. & Schwarz, A. (Eds.), Sicherheit (DIAGONAL Jahrgang 38) Göttingen doi:10.14220/digo.2017.38.1.207
      [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]

      Das Thema Sicherheit durchzieht sowohl das Leben Einzelner als auch das Zusammenleben von Personenkollektiven. In diesem Heft geht es um das Wahrnehmen und Wertschätzen sowie die Stabilisierung von Situationen, in denen Gefahren und Risiken reduziert werden. Außerdem stehen die Instrumentarien, Methoden und Maßnahmen im Fokus, mit denen Sicherheit geschaffen werden soll. Besonders in komplexen Systemen wird Sicherheit zu einem schwierig zu fassenden Thema, zu dessen Begleiterscheinungen beispielsweise die Beschneidung von Freiheit zählt. Sicherheit wird in allen Lebensgebieten relevant – von der Politik, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Recht über die Arbeitswelt bis hin in Medien, Technologie, Ökologie und Medizin. Zudem ist der Umgang mit Sicherheit landeskulturell geprägt.

      address = {Göttingen},
      title = {Digitalisierung und {Zivile} {Sicherheit}: {Zivilgesellschaftliche} und betriebliche {Kontinuität} in {Katastrophenlagen} ({KontiKat})},
      isbn = {978-3-8471-0739-2},
      url = {http://www.peasec.de/paper/2017/2017_ReuterKaufholdSchorchetal_DigitalisierungSicherheitKontiKat_Diagonal.pdf http://www.v-r.de/de/sicherheit/t-0/1094813/},
      abstract = {Das Thema Sicherheit durchzieht sowohl das Leben Einzelner als auch das Zusammenleben von Personenkollektiven. In diesem Heft geht es um das Wahrnehmen und Wertschätzen sowie die Stabilisierung von Situationen, in denen Gefahren und Risiken reduziert werden. Außerdem stehen die Instrumentarien, Methoden und Maßnahmen im Fokus, mit denen Sicherheit geschaffen werden soll. Besonders in komplexen Systemen wird Sicherheit zu einem schwierig zu fassenden Thema, zu dessen Begleiterscheinungen beispielsweise die Beschneidung von Freiheit zählt. Sicherheit wird in allen Lebensgebieten relevant – von der Politik, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Recht über die Arbeitswelt bis hin in Medien, Technologie, Ökologie und Medizin. Zudem ist der Umgang mit Sicherheit landeskulturell geprägt.},
      booktitle = {Sicherheit ({DIAGONAL} {Jahrgang} 38)},
      publisher = {Vandenhoeck \& Ruprecht, Göttingen},
      author = {Reuter, Christian and Gerwinski, Jan and Kaufhold, Marc-André and Moog, Petra and Pipek, Volkmar and Rusch, Gebhard and Schorch, Marén and Hassan, Sohaib S. and Soost, Christian and Wulf, Volker and Gerwinski, Jan and Soost, Christian and Hassan, Sohaib S. and Rusch, Gebhard and Moog, Petra and Pipek, Volkmar and Wulf, Volker},
      editor = {Hoch, Gero and Schröteler von Brandt, Hildegard and Stein, Volker and Schwarz, Angela},
      year = {2017},
      doi = {10.14220/digo.2017.38.1.207},
      keywords = {CSCW, HCI, KontiKat, SMO, Infrastruktur, Kooperation, RSF},
      pages = {207--224},

    • Korn, M., Schorch, M., Pipek, V., Bietz, M., Østerlund, C., Procter, R., Ribes, D. & Williams, R. (2017)E-Infrastructures for Research Collaboration: The Case of the Social Sciences and Humanities

      Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion (CSCW 2017 Companion). New York, USA
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      address = {New York, USA},
      title = {E-{Infrastructures} for {Research} {Collaboration}: {The} {Case} of the {Social} {Sciences} and {Humanities}},
      url = {https://eresearchinfssh2017.files.wordpress.com/2016/12/eresearchinfssh2017-proposal.pdf},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th {ACM} {Conference} on {Computer}-{Supported} {Cooperative} {Work} and {Social} {Computing} {Companion} ({CSCW} 2017 {Companion})},
      author = {Korn, Matthias and Schorch, Marén and Pipek, Volkmar and Bietz, Matthew and Østerlund, Carsten and Procter, Rob and Ribes, David and Williams, Robin},
      year = {2017},
      keywords = {CSCW, MdK},

    • Müller, C., Schorch, M., Struzek, D. & Neumann, M. (2017)Technology Probes als Mittel zur Unterstützung der Technik-Aneignung

      Mensch und Computer 2017 – Workshopband. Regensburg, Publisher: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Pages: 87–93
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      address = {Regensburg},
      title = {Technology {Probes} als {Mittel} zur {Unterstützung} der {Technik}-{Aneignung}},
      url = {http://www.wineme.uni-siegen.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Technology-Probes-als-Mittel-zur-Unterstützung-der-Technik-Aneignung.pdf},
      booktitle = {Mensch und {Computer} 2017 - {Workshopband}},
      publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.},
      author = {Müller, Claudia and Schorch, Marén and Struzek, David and Neumann, Marleen},
      editor = {Burghardt, Manuel and Wimmer, Raphael and Wolff, Christian and Womser-Hacker, Christa},
      year = {2017},
      keywords = {italg, PRAXLABS},
      pages = {87--93},


    • Garschall, M., Hamm, T., Hornung, D., Müller, C., Neureiter, K., Schorch, M. & van Velsen, L. (2016)Proceedings of the COOP 2016 -Symposium on challenges and experiences in designing for an ageing society. Reflecting on concepts of age(ing) and communication practices

      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      title = {Proceedings of the {COOP} 2016 -{Symposium} on challenges and experiences in designing for an ageing society. {Reflecting} on concepts of age(ing) and communication practices},
      volume = {13},
      url = {http://www.iisi.de/fileadmin/IISI/upload/IRSI/2016Vol13Iss3/Garschall_et._al._-_Challenges_and_experiences_in_designing_for_an_ageing_society._Reflecting_on_concepts_of_age_ing__and_communication_practices..pdf http://www.iisi.de/international-reports-on-},
      number = {3},
      author = {Garschall, Markus and Hamm, Theodor and Hornung, Dominik and Müller, Claudia and Neureiter, Katja and Schorch, Marén and van Velsen, Lex},
      year = {2016},
      keywords = {italg},

    • Schorch, M., Wan, L., Randall, D. & Wulf, V. (2016)Designing for Those who are Overlooked – Insider Perspectives on Care Practices and Cooperative Work of Elderly Informal Caregivers

      Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing – CSCW ’16. New York, New York, USA, Publisher: ACM Press, Pages: 785–797 doi:10.1145/2818048.2819999
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      address = {New York, New York, USA},
      title = {Designing for {Those} who are {Overlooked} - {Insider} {Perspectives} on {Care} {Practices} and {Cooperative} {Work} of {Elderly} {Informal} {Caregivers}},
      isbn = {978-1-4503-3592-8},
      url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2818048.2819999 http://wineme.uni-siegen.de/paper/2016/787_schorch.pdf},
      doi = {10.1145/2818048.2819999},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th {ACM} {Conference} on {Computer}-{Supported} {Cooperative} {Work} \& {Social} {Computing} - {CSCW} '16},
      publisher = {ACM Press},
      author = {Schorch, Marén and Wan, Lin and Randall, David and Wulf, Volker},
      year = {2016},
      keywords = {ethnography, aging society, caregiver, cooperation, health},
      pages = {785--797},

    • Hamidi, F., Müller, C., Baljko, M., Schorch, M., Lewkowicz, M. & Stangl, A. (2016)Engaging with Users and Stakeholders: The Emotional and the Personal

      Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Supporting Group Work., Publisher: ACM, Pages: 453–456

      title = {Engaging with {Users} and {Stakeholders}: {The} {Emotional} and the {Personal}},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th {International} {Conference} on {Supporting} {Group} {Work}},
      publisher = {ACM},
      author = {Hamidi, Foad and Müller, Claudia and Baljko, Melanie and Schorch, Marén and Lewkowicz, Myriam and Stangl, Abigale},
      year = {2016},
      keywords = {italg},
      pages = {453--456},

    • Garschall, M., Hamm, T., Hornung, D., Müller, C., Neureiter, K., Schorch, M. & van Velsen, L. (2016)Proceedings of the COOP 2016 Symposium on challenges and experiences in designing for an ageing society. Reflecting on concepts of age(ing) and communication practices

      IN International Reports on Socio-Informatics (IRSI), Vol. 13
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      title = {Proceedings of the {COOP} 2016 {Symposium} on challenges and experiences in designing for an ageing society. {Reflecting} on concepts of age(ing) and communication practices},
      volume = {13},
      url = {http://www.iisi.de/fileadmin/IISI/upload/IRSI/2016Vol13Iss3/Garschall_et._al._-_Challenges_and_experiences_in_designing_for_an_ageing_society._Reflecting_on_concepts_of_age_ing__and_communication_practices..pdf},
      number = {3},
      journal = {International Reports on Socio-Informatics (IRSI)},
      author = {Garschall, Markus and Hamm, Theodor and Hornung, Dominik and Müller, Claudia and Neureiter, Katja and Schorch, Marén and van Velsen, Lex},
      year = {2016},
      keywords = {italg},


    • Egner, H. & Schorch, M. (2015)Learning and Calamities – What Have We Learned?

      IN Egner, H., Schorch, M. & Voss, M. (Eds.), Learning and Calamities: Practices, Interpretations, Patterns

      title = {Learning and {Calamities} - {What} {Have} {We} {Learned}?},
      booktitle = {Learning and {Calamities}: {Practices}, {Interpretations}, {Patterns}},
      publisher = {Routledge},
      author = {Egner, Heike and Schorch, Marén},
      editor = {Egner, Heike and Schorch, Marén and Voss, Martin},
      year = {2015},
      pages = {291--302},

    • Egner, H., Schorch, M. & Voss, M. (2015)Introduction: Can societies learn from calamities

      IN Learning and calamities: Practices, interpretations, patterns, ed. H. Egner, M. Schorch, and M. Voss, Vol. 123

      title = {Introduction: {Can} societies learn from calamities},
      volume = {123},
      journal = {Learning and calamities: Practices, interpretations, patterns, ed. H. Egner, M. Schorch, and M. Voss},
      author = {Egner, Heike and Schorch, Marén and Voss, Martin},
      year = {2015},


    • Egner, H., Schorch, M. & Voss, M. (2014)Learning and Calamities

      Egner, H., Schorch, M. & Voss, M. (Eds.), Publisher: Routledge doi:10.4324/9780203794678
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      title = {Learning and {Calamities}},
      isbn = {978-0-203-79467-8},
      url = {http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203794678},
      publisher = {Routledge},
      author = {Egner, Heike and Schorch, Marén and Voss, Martin},
      editor = {Egner, Heike and Schorch, Marén and Voss, Martin},
      month = sep,
      year = {2014},
      doi = {10.4324/9780203794678},
      annote = {Publication Title: Learning and Calamities: Practices, Interpretations, Patterns},

    • Müller, C., Schorch, M. & Wieching, R. (2014)PraxLabs as a Setting for Participatory Technology Research and Design in the Field of HRI and Demography

      Proceedings of the Workshop „Socially Assistive Robots for the Aging Population: Are we trapped in Stereotypes?“, Human Robot Interaction Conference. Bielefeld, Publisher: Bielefeld University

      address = {Bielefeld},
      title = {{PraxLabs} as a {Setting} for {Participatory} {Technology} {Research} and {Design} in the {Field} of {HRI} and {Demography}},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Workshop} "{Socially} {Assistive} {Robots} for the {Aging} {Population}: {Are} we trapped in {Stereotypes}?", {Human} {Robot} {Interaction} {Conference}},
      publisher = {Bielefeld University},
      author = {Müller, Claudia and Schorch, Marén and Wieching, Rainer},
      year = {2014},
      keywords = {italg, CSCW, iStopFalls},

    • Egner, H., Schorch, M. & Voss, M. (2014)Learning and Calamities: Practices, Interpretations, Patterns

      , Publisher: Taylor & Francis
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      series = {Routledge {Studies} in {Environment}, {Culture}, and {Society}},
      title = {Learning and {Calamities}: {Practices}, {Interpretations}, {Patterns}},
      volume = {3},
      isbn = {978-1-134-47581-0},
      url = {https://books.google.com.au/books?id=RRtHBAAAQBAJ},
      publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
      author = {Egner, Heike and Schorch, Marén and Voss, Martin},
      year = {2014},

    • Wulf, V. & Schorch, M. (2014)Digitale Medien: Neue Wege politischer Partizipation?

      IN Demokratie morgen: \Ü\berlegungen aus Wissenschaft und Politik, Vol. 14, Pages: 71

      title = {Digitale {Medien}: {Neue} {Wege} politischer {Partizipation}?},
      volume = {14},
      journal = {Demokratie morgen: \{Ü\}berlegungen aus Wissenschaft und Politik},
      author = {Wulf, Volker and Schorch, Marén},
      year = {2014},
      keywords = {PRAXLABS},
      pages = {71},
      annote = {Publisher: transcript Verlag},

    • Tellioğlu, H., Lewkowicz, M., Pinatti De Carvalho, A. F., Brešković, I., Schorch, M., Tellioğlu, H., Lewkowicz, M., Pinatti De Carvalho, A. F., Brešković, I. & Schorch, M. (2014)Collaboration and Coordination in the Context of Informal Care (CCCiC 2014)

      Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work &\#38; Social Computing. New York, NY, USA, Publisher: ACM, Pages: 339–342 doi:10.1145/2556420.2558862
      [BibTeX] [Download PDF]

      address = {New York, NY, USA},
      series = {{CSCW} {Companion} '14},
      title = {Collaboration and {Coordination} in the {Context} of {Informal} {Care} ({CCCiC} 2014)},
      isbn = {978-1-4503-2541-7},
      url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2556420.2558862 http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2556420.2558862},
      doi = {10.1145/2556420.2558862},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Companion} {Publication} of the 17th {ACM} {Conference} on {Computer} {Supported} {Cooperative} {Work} \&\#38; {Social} {Computing}},
      publisher = {ACM},
      author = {Tellioğlu, Hilda and Lewkowicz, Myriam and Pinatti De Carvalho, Aparecido Fabiano and Brešković, Ivan and Schorch, Marén and Tellioğlu, Hilda and Lewkowicz, Myriam and Pinatti De Carvalho, Aparecido Fabiano and Brešković, Ivan and Schorch, Marén},
      year = {2014},
      keywords = {PRAXLABS, informal care givers, user-centred design},
      pages = {339--342},


    • Schorch, M. & Wulf, V. (2013)Digitale Medien: neue Wege politischer Partizipation? : das Web 2.0 und die Social Media in der Tunesischen Revolution ; ein Bericht aus Sidi Bouzid

      , Bielefeld, Publisher: transcript Verlag

      address = {Bielefeld},
      title = {Digitale {Medien}: neue {Wege} politischer {Partizipation}? : das {Web} 2.0 und die {Social} {Media} in der {Tunesischen} {Revolution} ; ein {Bericht} aus {Sidi} {Bouzid}},
      isbn = {978-3-8376-2387-1},
      publisher = {transcript Verlag},
      author = {Schorch, Marén and Wulf, Volker},
      year = {2013},
      annote = {Publication Title: Die Zukunft der Demokratie},

    • Hense, A. & Schorch, M. (2013)Arranged Marriages as Support for Intra-ethnic Matchmaking? A Case Study on Muslim Migrants in Germany

      IN International Migration, Vol. 51, Pages: 104–126

      title = {Arranged {Marriages} as {Support} for {Intra}-ethnic {Matchmaking}? {A} {Case} {Study} on {Muslim} {Migrants} in {Germany}},
      volume = {51},
      number = {2},
      journal = {International Migration},
      author = {Hense, Andrea and Schorch, Marén},
      year = {2013},
      keywords = {PRAXLABS},
      pages = {104--126},
      annote = {Publisher: Wiley Online Library},


    • Egner, H., Schorch, M., Hitzler, S., Bergmann, J. & Wulf, V. (2012)Communicating Disaster – Six maxims for a new take on disaster research

      IN ZiF-Mitteilungen, Pages: 4–10

      title = {Communicating {Disaster} – {Six} maxims for a new take on disaster research},
      number = {3},
      journal = {ZiF-Mitteilungen},
      author = {Egner, Heike and Schorch, Marén and Hitzler, Sarah and Bergmann, Jörg and Wulf, Volker},
      year = {2012},
      pages = {4--10},

    • Egner, H., Schorch, M., Hitzler, S., Bergmann, J. & Wulf, V. (2012)“ Communicating Disaster—A Case for Qualitative Approaches to Disaster Research“: Report of a Research Group at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld University

      IN Zeitschrift f\ü\r Soziologie, Pages: 248–255

      title = {" {Communicating} {Disaster}—{A} {Case} for {Qualitative} {Approaches} to {Disaster} {Research}": {Report} of a {Research} {Group} at the {Center} for {Interdisciplinary} {Research} ({ZiF}), {Bielefeld} {University}},
      journal = {Zeitschrift f\{ü\}r Soziologie},
      author = {Egner, Heike and Schorch, Marén and Hitzler, Sarah and Bergmann, Jörg and Wulf, Volker},
      year = {2012},
      pages = {248--255},
      annote = {Publisher: JSTOR},